Corbett Charter School students played well into the State tournaments in Soccer (both Boys and Girls) and in Volleyball this year. The State Championships eluded us, and we intend to be back, stronger, next year. Congratulations to all who made this effort.
It shouldn't go unnoticed that Corbett has taken home State Championships several times in recent years; twice in Band, twice in the Academic Decathlon, and four times in the America's Best High Schools rankings. Last year, Corbett was not only the Newsweek's State Champion, but out-performed the best schools from 46 other states. We predict that next year (which is based on last Spring's performance, so we already have a lot of data) both Corbett and Corbett Charter will be in the top 10. The only other place ever to pull this off was Dallas, Texas, where two magnet schools serve highly gifted students from a large metropolitan area.
Our Purpose: Corbett Charter School is committed to creating the absolute maximum number of quality options for our students upon their graduation. It's a simple create as many really exciting options as we can, to open as many doors as possible. We have often said that we are willing to take choices away from 16-year-olds in order to offer great choices to 18-year-olds. That's our goal, in its simplest form. Great choices for 18-year-olds. Many of our former students and their parents will testify that their children have had remarkable experiences after high school. That feedback is the input that we find the most compelling. That's success.
Warning Number One: Corbett Charter School has high behavior expectations. We believe in our kids. We make demands in a world that typically only 'opens negotiation' with children. Demands. Our schools reflect a hierarchy of authority. Children are expected to do as they are told. This might seem common-place (we certainly hope so) and yet we hear from time to time from those who simply disagree with this way of looking at school and at children. And we honor their right to disagree. But disagreement will not alter our commitments.
Warning Number Two: Corbett Charter School, even at the primary level, teaches science. Our high school teachers teach evolutionary theory in their biology classes and all of our teachers teach science in a way that offers the best natural explanations for what we see in the world around us. We believe that exploring the world and discussing the best natural explanations for what we observe in the world is the definition of science. We know that there are those who take exception to this commitment, and we honor their right to disagree. But their disagreement will not alter our commitment.
Warning Number Three: Corbett Charter School has high academic expectations. At the elementary and middle school level, our academic expectation is that everyone will do their very best. We do not demand that a student must be able to read or do math at a certain level by a certain age. Such expectations for young children are nonsense, and they are cruel. Children are different. Some require more time. Some are more able. But everyone is, by definition, capable of their best effort. And we expect that. From everyone.
Warning Number Four: High School is Hard! It is hard for almost everyone, and it is harder for some than for others. At the high school level, Corbett Charter School is committed to preparing students to meet the expectations of the nation's best colleges and universities. Classes that are oriented to this goal are going to be challenging for the vast majority of students, and they are going to be extremely difficult for some. The fact that High School is hard is not accepted by us as a reason to change. Assignments that some students complete during class might, for other students, result in homework. Homework that takes one student 45 minutes might take another student two hours. There are high schools all over three adjacent counties where students can choose easier classes, lighten their loads to make room for other priorities, have an easy senior year. Corbett Charter School is not that place.
We know that students vary. But they are nearing the point where, upon graduation, the world won't care how easily life comes to will only care how well prepared they are. We offer extraordinary support to students who commit to their own success, regardless of their natural ability. We get tremendous results, but they have to be earned, one student at a time. This is our commitment. We promise not to waiver.
Everyone is welcome at Corbett. We believe it's a place where ordinary people can, with extraordinary effort, achieve remarkable results. Join us! And don't leave home without packing your best effort!